
Despite the distance -physical and temporal- some poems in Poeta en Nueva York (Poet in New York) have a close relationship with Granada and, in particular, with the garden of the house at Acera del Darro 60, to whih the Lorca family moved when they arrived in 1908 from Valderrubio.

Isabel, the poet’s sister, revealed in her memoirs all the Granada references contained in the poem 1910 Intermediate and, in particular, four of its lines: “¡Aquellos ojos míos en el cuello de la jaca [Those eyes of mine in the neck of the jackass], / en el seno traspasado de Santa Rosa dormida [in the pierced bosom of Santa Rosa asleep], / en los tejados del amor, con gemidos y frescas manos [on the roofs of love, with moans and fresh hands], / en un jardín donde los gatos se comían a las ranas [in a garden where the cats ate the frogs”]. “The neck of the jackass is undoubtedly that of the animal that [Federico] was forced onto when he was very young and did not want to walk. Santa Rosa was also in my house: it was a brightly colored print that Dolores [la Colorina, one of the maids] had in her room. The roofs of love are the ones we saw from the towers (…) and the cat that ate the frogs is our blond cat, the one that ate the little frog that I threw into the water of the jumping fountain in the garden”.