Federico García Lorca left the Gobierno Civil on his way to Víznar between August 17 and 19, according to various theories. Lorca, dressed in pajamas, arrived at La Colonia (a large house intended for school vacations that was evicted by the seditionists, to be used as a prison, in early August) in a vehicle carrying the banderilleros Juan Arcoyas Cabezas and Francisco Galadí, and a common criminal nicknamed El Terrible (The Terrible).

La Colonia already contained prisoners, awaiting their imminent execution, the teacher from Pulianas Dióscoro Galindo and a boy accused of armed robbery.
According to the different reconstructions, the vehicle arrived at the Cuzco Palace in Víznar, where the factious group had set up their headquarters, and asked for the permission of the sector chief, Captain José María Nestares, and then continued on its way to La Colonia. There, on the lower floor, Federico García Lorca spent the final hours of his captivity before being shot, on August 17 (other researchers argue that a day or two later) in a still unclear place located between the municipalities of Víznar and Alfacar.