“On the morning of the 17th I went to the Gobierno Civil to take food to Federico. I carried the things in a basket. Only a thermos with milk, a Spanish omelet, a small piece of bread, tobacco and some handkerchiefs (…). I asked for him and after insisting they made me go up some stairs. Everything was very well guarded, with armed men, as if we were at war. They checked the omelet I was carrying. The young man did not want to eat. I remember a man said to me: ‘What a pitiful son, what a pitiful father’. I put the things on a table for him. That was all there was, a table, an inkwell, paper and a pen. Federico wasn’t writing. He didn’t feel like eating. He was very well dressed, with a brand new suit (…). I went for two days. On the 17th and 18th (…). When I arrived again at the Gobierno Civil, on the morning of the 19th, I asked and they told me: ‘Garcia Lorca is no longer here’. But I went up to the room to pick up the thermos and the napkin I had brought the day before. The young man had not eaten”.