It was devised from the study trips that Lorca made through Spain with professor Martín Domínguez Berrueta and other students. On the first trip, on June 6, 1916, they were in Baeza, where Federico met Antonio Machado, and where he was able to hear Antonio recite and play music for him and other students and teachers. They also visited Cordoba and Ronda.
On October 15, 1916 they began a second trip to Madrid, El Escorial, Avila, Medina del Campo, Salamanca, Zamora, Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Lugo, León, Burgos and Segovia. In Salamanca he meets Unamuno. On November 8, they arrive in Granada.
It is a fundamental moment in the life of the author, since he was to realize what one of his vocations was, the literary one, which was hidden by the musical one.